Utano Princesama Maji LOVE STARISH TOURS Blu-ray Front Cover
Utano Princesama Maji LOVE STARISH TOURS Blu-ray Disc Spread
Utano Princesama Maji LOVE STARISH TOURS Blu-ray Back Cover

Utano Princesama Maji LOVE STARISH TOURS

  • Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
  • Runtime: 113 min.
  • Release Date: September 19, 2023
  • Extras: Encore: Go Forth! On the ISH Journey! (x5); Dancers' Choreography; Announcements (x5); Japanese Promos (x4)
  • Rating: TV-14
  • You Pay: $ 19.99 Retail: $ 29.98


The members of STARISH were already close, but the events of the Maji LOVE LIVE Kingdom concert have bound them into a single unit, harmonizing their lives as well as their voices. Now there's just one thing on all their minds: what's next? It's a question that no one has an answer to yet, so maybe it's time to take a little break to ponder big thoughts as a group. But, of course, the daily duties of being an Idol can never be completely escaped, and just as they're starting to catch a little R&R, they're summoned back to the Shining Office for something huge in the two film UTANO PRINCESAMA MAJI LOVE STARISH TOURS collection!

Included in release
[Movie] Theatrical Version • [Special] Utano Princesama Maji LOVE STARISH TOURS: The Journey Begins
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